Behind the Blog

adjective: ethereal; adjective: etherial

extremely delicate and light in a way that seems not to be of this world.

From the title of this blog alone you may have decisively and promptly left my blog, swearing never to return again, although that would make it considerably more difficult for you to be reading this. Ethereal, among so many others, is a word that sounds so euphonical as our mouths form the syllables that make up the word, that you choose one of two options: to save the word for only the most momentous of occasions, uttering it so rarely that mostly it ceases to exist within your vocabulary. Or, to force it in to every other sentence, repeating it over and over, scared that it may disappear all together if you alone do not tend to it regularly.

I chose "etherealised" because of the juxtaposed gentleness and power behind the term. There are so many words that are so seldom used, and so many opinions so seldom expressed that it felt apt to title my little canvas as such. Or I was just be pretentious. Probably the latter.

Please challenge my ideas with your own. Inspire me. Teach me something new.



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